I sat down with the USUAL SUSPECTS, McConnell, our resident fashion consultant and web maestro; and Golden Fox, at our crib. PLUS, we also had a special guest, Kane Vast who brought in to talk about the 3-some game–yup, 2 girls one…
Hit play and you’ll get to hear about:
- Whacky adventures in Asia: Qataris and the ship of the desert, Hong Kong, and Japan
- Setting goals so you can get back into meeting women (or get started!)
- Baby stepping your way to success–so you don’t get discouraged and throw in the towel
- How to harness jealousy and fear to reach your goals
- Winning through entitlement–feel you’re owed, and put in the work to make it happen
- Why god must love ugly
- 3-some primer (2 girls, one guy!)
- the 3 types 2 girl 3-somes
- how to make your girl a partner in crime
- how to find the right girl to share
- an easy setup to get her in the bed and the clothes off
- what to look out for that might trip you up
- and a whole lot more…
Mentioned in This Episode:
The You Are Not So Smart Podcast
Overcoming Our Irrational and Sometimes Crippling Fear of Rejection with Jia Jiang
Intimate Photos Capture the Relationship Between a Middle-Aged Man and His Real Doll (NSFW)
This article gives a glimpse into one man’s relationship with his silicon sex doll. When I read it last year, it really gave me a clear picture of what I don’t want my life to become and why I spend so much time working on building my relationship skills.
Unlimited Power and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, it was popularized by Anthony Robbins, NLP has many useful and easily applicable techniques, concepts, mindsets and ideas.
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Mastery by Robert Greene
Another must-read classic from Robert Greene about what it takes to succeed

Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Have a question that you want us to answer in a future episode? Scroll down to the bottom of this page, type it in and we’ll get to it in a future chill session.
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