This time we have a format that we haven’t used in a long time–in this session, Kane Vast and I will discuss the book, Our Inner Ape, by Frans de Waal, one of the top researchers on primate behavior and evolutionary psychology in the world.
We’ll be slowing it down from the last episode which was EXTRA wild and bring up the intellectual level of this podcast a few notches, lols. If you like these kind of episodes, we can definitely do them more often.
If you like it and want to see more of these, let us know in the form below!
In this session you’ll learn:
- Why you should read up on evolutionary psychology–even if you’re a creationist!
- Variable rewards: what they are and why you need to start doing this with your girls ASAP
- The allure and mystique of older men, explained!
- The life of alpha males
- Society vs Reality: see beyond what people want you to see
- Does size matter?
- Big fish, small pond strategy
- and a whole lot more…
Mentioned in this session:
The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida
Frans de Waal TED Talk on Alpha Males
Phallic Sheath – Koteka
*as it turns out, the size/length of the sheath has nothing to do with status, oops!
The Myth of the Middle Class Alpha Male
Sperm Wars by Robin Baker
The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins
The Red Queen by Matt Ridley
Global Problems of Population Growth with Robert Wyman
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