I sat down with Kane and McConnell to answer questions from a Japan Lair member who is just getting started with women and has a lot of fundamental misunderstandings and internal conflicts about women, dating and sex.
In addition we answered some questions from other listeners as well, and talked about a WIIIIIIIIIDE variety of topics including:
- How do I avoid gold diggers and money wasters?
- I want to find a nice, pure girl. Any tips?
- Why you shouldn’t sleep with “easy” girls
- I’m a virgin, what should you do?
- Any tips on avoiding ladyboys, shemales and transgenders?
- I’m not white, do I still have a chance with East Asian girls?
- What are the easiest places to meet Asian girls in Asia?
- How to guarantee that girls will lie and take advantage of you
- The 3 things that could be standing in your way of success with women
- Why you may need to stop being you
- Why you need to be around who you want to become
- What to do when a girl sees your messages with another girl
- How to keep both girls happy after a 3-some
- and a whole lot more…
Mentioned in this session:

The WRONG Holy Grail
Conan the Barbarian
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