McConnell, Kane Vast and I sat down to discuss Rollo Tomassi’s “The Red Pill Lessons of Will Smith,” an episode of his podcast where he discusses the Will Smith and Jada Pinckett-Smith “cheating” scandal. And I put cheating in quotation marks because they were separated at the time, but more on that in the podcast.
It was a great conversation that got pretty emotional at times and hearing McConnell get all worked up was a big part of the fun:
The manosphere and what it is
structured game vs natural game
outer game vs inner game
The red pill
female nature vs environment and technology
Men’s rights activists
The internet echo chamber
MGTOW and why you should stay away from women
Why you should love feminists and they are the best thing to ever happen to men
Real life vs internet life
The chad Alpha >> Beta and the problems with red pill thinking
Find a dominance hierarchy you can succeed in
Blue pill
Choose your own value structure
Who has the sexual power?
Do guys want to have sex with their wives?
Female privilege and double standards
Feminists are wrong…not all societies need them
Were the 1950s the best time?
Men get so screwed by the legal system
You can determine how your relationships are by how you setup your life
The Rational Male – The Rational Male on Audible – —————————————————————————————————- THE RATIONAL MALE – Rollo Tomassi The Red Pill Lessons of Will Smith On today’s show: I’ll be doing a Case Study breakdown of the Jada Pinkett-Smith / Will Smith relationship “entanglements” revealed by the celebrity couple on the recent Red Table talk video.
Contents AFE/PFE The AFE and the PFE refer to parts of the vagina that can bring women to orgasm when stimulated properly. AFE stands for Anterior Fornix and PFE stands for Posterior Fornix. Anterior means front so it’s closer to you when you’re face to face with her, and posterior means back so it’s further […]
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The slang term Chad originated in Chicago as a pejorative term for young, upper-class, urban males.[1] In modern internet slang, the term can be similar to " bro" and generally refers to an " alpha male"[2] or otherwise a genetically superior male.[3] [4] The slang term "Chad" came into use[when?
Neo meets Morpheus for the first time. Neo has been dreaming in the Matrix his whole life and now Morpheus, one who has been freed from the Matrix, is explaining what the Matrix is and offering Neo the chance to be free.
Agent Smith calls Cypher "Mr. Reagan" ------------------------------ Smith: "Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan?" ... Cypher: "I don't want to remember nothing, NOTHING. You understand? And I want to be rich, you know, someone an actor." Smith: "Whatever you want, Mr. Reagan."
The 2014 Isla Vista killings were two misogynistic terror attacks in Isla Vista, California. On the evening of Friday, May 23, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured fourteen others by gunshot, stabbing and vehicle ramming near the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), before fatally shooting himself.
In the zoological field of ethology, a dominance hierarchy (formerly and colloquially called a pecking order) is a type of social hierarchy that arises when members of animal social groups interact, creating a ranking system. A dominant higher-ranking individual is sometimes called an alpha, and a submissive lower-ranking individual is called a beta.
In this lecture, I discuss uncertainty, or anomaly. We frame the world -- or the world reveals itself to us -- as a story, with a starting point, a destination, and the behavioral means to move from one to the other.
this is the saga of Hugh Mungus in its entirety to see the full lecture go to In this lecture, he explores the dreadful socio-political consequences of the individual inauthentic life: the degeneration of society into nihilism or totalitarianism, often of the most murderous sort, employing as an example the work/death camps of the Soviet Union.
Neuro-linguistic programming ( NLP) is a pseudoscientific approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy, that first appeared in Richard Bandler and John Grinder's 1975 book The Structure of Magic I. NLP asserts that there is a connection between neurological processes, language and acquired behavioral patterns, and that these can be changed to achieve specific goals in life.
Crazy, Stupid, Love. movie clips: BUY THE MOVIE: Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: CLIP DESCRIPTION: At a crossroads, a husband and father (Steve Carell) befriends a young lothario (Ryan Gosling). FILM DESCRIPTION: At fortysomething, straight-laced Cal Weaver (Steve Carell) is living the dream-good job, nice house, great kids and marriage to his high school sweetheart.
A koseki or family register is a Japanese family registry. Japanese law requires all Japanese households (basically defined as married couples and their unmarried children) to make notifications of their vital records (such as births, adoptions, deaths, marriages and divorces) to their local authority, which compiles such records encompassing all Japanese citizens within their jurisdiction.
My neighbor introduced me to The Office back in 2005. Since then, I've watched every episode of both the British and American versions. I've watched the show obsessively because I’...