Recently, I attended a conference for location independent entrepreneurs in the hopes of meeting some cool people and getting some knowledge to help me improve PickUp Asia.
And lucky for YOU (and me) a guy named Daniel Peleg gave an amazing talk about how to manage your psychology and emotions for success in business. Listening to the talk, I thought that you guys could definitely use these tools!
Dating is tough and women know exactly how to destroy your mind. In this session, you’ll learn how to build the mental armor you need to protect youself against the slings, arrows and heavy artillery that will come your way when you try to do better with women.
In this one, we talk about tools you can use to control your thoughts and emotions including:
- Why you should get a coach
- How you can control your thoughts and emotions
- Why you should start meditating, TODAY!
- The focus principle and how it makes or breaks you
- How to destroy the inner critic that’s crippling your success
- How to keep a close eye on your emotions so you can feel good more often
- Three tools you can use for mental and emotional health
- and a whole lot more…
Mentioned in this session:
Power Poses
Emotional Awareness Apps
SignUp for 10 Simple Steps to Get More and Better Asian Girls and also get the Asian Dating Playbook so you’ll always be up to date on the latest!

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