I sat down with the USUAL SUSPECTS, McConnell, our resident fashion consultant and web maestro; and Golden Fox, at our crib. This time we talked about all sorts of cool stuff including:
- Golden Fox on how he ended up drunk in Daegu, S. Korea—for a FULL YEAR!
- McConnell’s Asia love affair!
- How to make friends and build a social circle when you first move to Asia
- RedpoleQ’s first journey to Japan
- McConnell dials for love at 15 years old
- RedpoleQ on how desperation pushed him past discomfort
- Why you don’t need to have sex with lots of different women
- Is all fair in love and war?
- and a whole lot more…
Mentioned in This Episode:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The classic, MUST READ” personal development classic. The digital download is so cheap, it’s like they’re paying YOU to read it!
Jim Rohn
My favorite “success philosopher” and the only celebrity I regret never meeting…
The Approach Mastery Boot Camp
Your road to an awesome life and hot ASIAN women!

The Great Happiness Space
The definitive documentary about the Japanese hosting business and what it’s like to be a real life gigolo in Asia
(Right Click and “save as” to download)
R.O.B. The Robot – NES Deluxe Set (Released in 1985!)

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